• Supreme – klimatyzator nowej generacji, który wykorzystuje efektywny ekologiczny czynnik chłodniczy R32. Model charakteryzuje bardo wysoka sprawność energetyczna i niezrównana wydajność. Dzięki eleganckiemu panelowi, który jest dostępny w czterech kolorach (biały/srebrny/złoty/czarny) klimatyzator doskonale dopasuje się do każdego wnętrza.

*W zależności od serii urządzenia, dołączony może być inny pilot, niż opisany przy produkcie.


  • Heat pump. Designed for efficient heating in a cold climate of Northern Europe;
  • Modern two-stage inverter compressor efficiently operates in the temperature range -30°С - +54°C;
  • Option of heating start at temperature +8°C;
  • «CH SMART-ION Filter» - new generation of air cleaning technology;
  • Wi-Fi module for easy remote control via smartphone (Android and iOS support);
  • Compliance to EU Directive for ErP (Energy related Products) № 626/2011/EU from 1-01-2013 for consumer heat pumps and air conditioner with SEER A+++ SCOP A+++;
  • Record low noise level 18db. Whole plastic body, seamless heat exchanger;
  • Higher class of energy efficiency. Energy saving equipment by type A+++ Class Energy Efficiency — Generation V;
  • Stylish and compact design;
  • Uninterruptable operation under input voltage range 96V – 260V. Innovative compact transformer;
  • Multispeed ventilator;
  • Increased resouce;
  • Time indicator on remote control;
  • Ozone friendly R32 freon;
  • Self-cleaning of indoor units. Ventilator continues operation after air conditioner stops and removes water from heat exchanger to avoid formation of fungus, molds and bacteria;
  • Choice of filters for indoor unit: carbon "Anti-smell"; "Antibacterial suppressor"; "Nano-titanium antichemical catalyst"; Electret Dust Collector Filter; Catechin filter. Any two filters can be installed the same time;
  • Electrostatic air filter ЕСО-FRESH;
  • Covenient LED display on indoor unit. Can be deactivated by remote control;
  • Several modes for comfort sleep;
  • Intelligent AUTO mode – automatic change of working mode depending on temperature change;
  • 24-hours timer on-off;
  • Deferred ventilator start to avoid cold air flow in heating mode;
  • Antibacterial treatment of remote control;
  • Anticorrosion treatment of heat exchanger BLUE-FIN;
  • Autorestart. Automatic saving last settings;
  • Intelligent defrosting system;
  • Manual switch of on/off  defrosting by remote control;
  • Power stabilizing for safe low-voltage start;
  • Self-diagnostic of main components and working modes;
  • Blocking of control.
Przeczytaj więcej Przeczytaj mniej



  • Heat pump. Designed for efficient heating in a cold climate of Northern Europe;
  • Modern two-stage inverter compressor efficiently operates in the temperature range -30°С – +54°C;
  • Option of heating start at temperature +8°C;
  • «CH SMART-ION Filter» – new generation of air cleaning technology;
  • Wi-Fi module for easy remote control via smartphone (Android and iOS support);
  • Compliance to EU Directive for ErP (Energy related Products) № 626/2011/EU from 1-01-2013 for consumer heat pumps and air conditioner with SEER A+++ SCOP A+++;
  • Record low noise level 18db. Whole plastic body, seamless heat exchanger;
  • Higher class of energy efficiency. Energy saving equipment by type A+++ Class Energy Efficiency — Generation V;
  • Stylish and compact design;
  • Uninterruptable operation under input voltage range 96V – 260V. Innovative compact transformer;
  • Multispeed ventilator;
  • Increased resouce;
  • Time indicator on remote control;
  • Ozone friendly R32 freon;
  • Self-cleaning of indoor units. Ventilator continues operation after air conditioner stops and removes water from heat exchanger to avoid formation of fungus, molds and bacteria;
  • Choice of filters for indoor unit: carbon “Anti-smell”; “Antibacterial suppressor”; “Nano-titanium antichemical catalyst”; Electret Dust Collector Filter; Catechin filter. Any two filters can be installed the same time;
  • Electrostatic air filter ЕСО-FRESH;
  • Covenient LED display on indoor unit. Can be deactivated by remote control;
  • Several modes for comfort sleep;
  • Intelligent AUTO mode – automatic change of working mode depending on temperature change;
  • 24-hours timer on-off;
  • Deferred ventilator start to avoid cold air flow in heating mode;
  • Antibacterial treatment of remote control;
  • Anticorrosion treatment of heat exchanger BLUE-FIN;
  • Autorestart. Automatic saving last settings;
  • Intelligent defrosting system;
  • Manual switch of on/off  defrosting by remote control;
  • Power stabilizing for safe low-voltage start;
  • Self-diagnostic of main components and working modes;
  • Blocking of control.

Informacje dodatkowe

Wydajność nominalna (Chłodzenie) (kW)


Wydajność nominalna (Grzanie) (kW)




Pobór mocy nominalny (Chłodzenie) (kW)


Pobór mocy nominalny (Grzanie) (kW)


EER (kW/kW)


COP (kW/kW)


Przepływ powietrza (m³/h)


Poziom ciśnienia akustycznego (Jednostka wewnętrzna) (dB(A))


Poziom ciśnienia akustycznego (Jednostka zewnętrzna) (dB(A))




Wymiary (Jednostka wewnętrzna) (mm)


Wymiary (Jednostka zewnętrzna) (mm)


Waga (Jednostka wewnętrzna) (kg)


Waga (Jednostka zewnętrzna) (kg)


Typ sprężarki


Wydajność osuszania (l/h)


Zakresy temperatur pracy jedn. zewnętrznej (Chłodzenie) (°C)


Zakresy temperatur pracy jedn. zewnętrznej (Grzanie) (°C)


Ilość czynnika chłodniczego (kg)


Średnica rurociągu cieczy (mm/cal)


Średnica gazociągu (mm/cal)


Maksymalna różnica wysokości (m)


Maksymalna długość (m)



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